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Check my car mot when is it due
can i get an MOT at Ryan Pantry Auto Services
has my car got a valid MOT

MOT Testing

at Ryan Pantry Auto Services


Here at Ryan Pantry Auto Services we can offer you car, motorcycle and

light vans (class 1,2 & 4) MOT's

We can also offer class 7 MOT prep and test arrangement.

We also offer a 'Pick Up and Drop Off' service. We can collect your vehicle for the MOT test and Drop Back Off to you, as we now live busy lives sometimes taking your vehicle to the garage for the test can be time taken out of a busy day so we like to help and offer the Pickup and Drop off service.

We are also able to take offsite payments for this service meaning it is all done without you needing to attend the garage.


Remember your test can be carried out 28 days before it's expiry date so its not a last minute rush to stay road legal.

We also offer a FREE re-test service


Is my car due an MOT
Ryan Pantry Auto Services, Class 4 + 7 M.O.T; Repairs and Servicing; Air Con Repairs and Regas; Diagnostics; 4 Wheel Alignment; Clutches; Cam Belts; leek; staffordshire; stoke on trent; MOT; M.O.T
Where can i get an MOT booked in Leek Staffordshire
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